Dark Sky Network
Should Australia Have a Dark Sky Network?
Have your say!
The Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) has contracted ADSA to develop a report investigating the most appropriate mechanisms to:
Conserve, create and protect dark skies in Australia.
In order to do this, we are assessing and identifying dark sky sites and recommending the best mechanisms that would lead to enhanced environmental outcomes and reduced light pollution.
We have developed the following surveys to help us gather first-hand information from you - the protectors, the custodians and the interested parties in dark skies.
We would highly value your responses in the following three surveys::
*Local Goverment - for decision makers, policy planners and councillors,
* General Public - for anyone with an interest in protecting the night sky
* Dark Sky Places (Aspiring and Existing) - for those who involved with the designations
It should take no more than 5 minutes.
The survey will close Monday the 28th FEB 5pm AEDT