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19 - 21 March 2025

Melbourne City Conference Centre




The Valuing Darkness Symposium, hosted in Melbourne from March 19-21, 2025, is a pioneering event that brings together experts in lighting design, environmental science, urban planning, and public health to discuss the importance of darkness in our lives.


Co-hosted by the Australasian Dark Sky Alliance (ADSA), International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD), and NERAL, the symposium will feature thought-provoking talks, interactive workshops, and dynamic roundtable discussions. Topics will explore the impact of light pollution on human health, wildlife, urban environments, and our night skies, with an emphasis on policy, technology, and best practices for sustainable lighting.


Keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops will provide actionable insights and foster collaboration among designers, policymakers, and advocates dedicated to protecting natural darkness for future generations. This event is essential for anyone passionate about creating healthier, more sustainable environments through better lighting practices.



Thank you! 

An enormous thank you to our generous sponsors. Without this support for the cause, the conference and the efforts, making a change for a better future simply would not be possible. 


Book by 31 Jan for 10% discount


ABN 89 632 593 161  | ACN 632 593 161

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